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Letters Home

Check this page for any letters that we have sent home regarding trips, school clubs or other important notices.

Year 5 and 6 Water Fight - Wednesday 24th July

Y6 London Residential - June 2025

KS2 SRE Lessons (Summer Term 2024)

KS1 SRE Lessons (Summer Term 2024)

F2 PSHE Lessons (Summer Term 2024)

Summer Fair 2024

Y5/6 Aladdin Ticket letter

Y5/6 Aladdin Consent letter

People I Love Picnic - Friday 21st June 2024

Animal Roadshow (White Post Farm) - Nursery

Year 2 Time Travelling - Southwell Minster

Tomb Raiders Egyptian Workshop - Year 3/4

Football Club - KS1 and FS2 (Summer 2)

Gulliver's Kingdom - Key Stage 1

Foundation 2 - Tropical Butterfly House

SATs Reward Trip 2024

SATs Brain Buster Breakfast

Y4 Thornbridge Outdoors - meeting information

Rockstars Day 2024

KS2 Football Club - Summer 1 2024

Y6 and Reception Height and Weight check

Decorate an Egg Competition

Razzle Dazzle Reading

Parents Evening - How to attend appointments guide

Parents' Consultation Evenings - Spring Term 2024

Open Classroom Event 2024

Red Nose Day 2024

Morning Registration Changes

Key Stage 1 - Magna Science Adventure Centre

Book Week 2024

All-girls Football Club

Zones of Regulation

As a school, we will be participating on The Zones of Regulation curriculum, which are lessons and activities designed to help children gain skills in the area of self-regulation.

Self regulation can go by many names, such as self-control, self-management and impulse control. Lessons are designed to help the children recognise when they are in the different Zones as well as learn how to use strategies to change or stay in the Zone they are in.

A critical aspect of the curriculum is that all team members know and understand The Zones language. This creates a comfortable and supportive environment for the student to practice their self regulation skills. It also helps the children learn the skills more quickly and be more likely to apply them in many situations.

Therefore we would like to invite all parents to a Zones of Regulation information evening on Thursday 8th February 3:45-4:45pm. We can provide childcare where this is required, please speak with Miss Westby or myself beforehand in order for us to book your child in for this.

Please can you confirm your attendance by completing the online form before Wednesday 7th February. You can access the form by clicking on the link below.

Thank you
Mrs Berry and Miss Westby

SATs Briefing 2024

SATs Tutoring 2024

Creswell Crags Trip - Year 3/4

Football Club - Year 5/6

Christmas Celebrations and Raffle

Christmas Jumper Day

Parents Information Sessions

EYFS and KS1 Razzle Dazzle Reading

Key Stage 1 'Baarmy Bethlehem'

Foundation Stage 2 'The Nativity'

Nursery Christmas Concert

Football Club - Year 3/4

Nottingham Castle - Year 5/6

World Mental Health Day 2023

Dear Parent,


The Governing Body of St Andrew's has 1 vacancy for a parent governor and is looking for parents who have children at the school. Please find attached a letter to parents with information about the vacancy, a nomination form, qualifications and disqualifications criteria and Declaration of Eligibility form and the Governors code of conduct. If you require a paper copy of these documents, please contact the school office. The nominations box is located in the school office.  Please return all nominations by 10.00 am on Monday 2nd October 2023.


Thank you.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Flu Vaccination Information Leaflet

Flu Vaccination

All children (except those in Nursery) are offered a nasal spray flu vaccination on Wednesday 18th October. A leaflet with information about the vaccination is attached.

Please click on the link below to give your consent, or to decline the vaccination.

The link is open now and will close on Wednesday 11th October

Thank you.


Razzle Dazzle Reading September 2023

Health Service Information

Year 1/2 Football Club

Term Dates and INSET Days 2023-2024 and 2024-2025

Push out into the Deep Awards

Goggles permission letter

Appropriate use of ClassDojo

Parents' and Carers' Code of Conduct
