At St Andrew’s we aim to provide all children with a happy, secure and Christian environment, which will foster and encourage the development of sound spiritual, moral, social and cultural values
In Jesus’ words to St Andrew and the fishermen we ask our children to ‘push out into the deep’ and try their hardest in all that they do.
As a school we believe it is important to deepen our understanding of the Christian way of life as we ‘push out into the deep’ through learning and growing together. We seek to deepen and widen the experience of those of ‘faith’ and encourage those of ‘no faith’ so that they begin to feel for themselves something of what it means to worship. To promote this we have chosen to work as a whole school to embed key Christian values into our daily school life.
Each half-term our worship times focus on a particular Christian value. We use celebration, silence, stilling, reflection, contemplation, prayer, song, symbols and imagery as vehicles for worship and spiritual growth. Staff continue to work with pupils to actively promote, model and reinforce the same values throughout the life of the school, including through our rewards system. Displays and ‘reflective corners’ in every area of school also help to reinforce these values.
In this way we all embrace the school values and really try to ‘live’ them together and then take them out into the wider world.
Click on the link below to see our policies page which includes our Religious Education policy and our Collective Worship policy amonst others to reflect our Christian ethos.
Click on the link below to find out more about our RE curriculum and what we get up to in our RE lessons.
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