Supporting and challenging the St Andrew's School family to enable everyone to 'Push out into the Deep' and to equip them for today and tomorrow within the framework of our Christian values.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests for your information.
Minutes of all Governors' meetings are available on request from the School Office.
I have been in business in Skegby for over 50 years. The family association with St Andrew’s began in 1923 when my father started here and spent all of his school years at the school. My grandfather was the first ‘lollipop’ man here during the 1950s. My children also attended this school.
I have been a Governor at St Andrew’s for around 37 years and the Chair for around 10 years. I have attended St Andrew’s church for 61 years and came to this school for my Sunday school lessons.
The first social occasion I attended at this school was a fancy dress 21st birthday party when I was 8 years old.
To be associated with the school is nothing less than an honour.
Reverend Peter is enthusiastically involved in St Andrew's School with regular assemblies and visits on other occasions. He has been a School Governor in his previous parishes. He is very keen to support our children and their families as well as the staff in making the most of their time at St Andrew's.
My name is John Hunter. Until recently I had two children in school and I work within the banking industry. I have been a member of St Andrew’s Governing Body since 2007, when I was initially voted on as a Parent Governor. My current term has been as a co-opted member.
I am the Link Governor for ICT/Social Media and serve on the Finance committee.
I have been a Foundation Governor, appointed by the Southwell Diocese, for 32 years, my 3 children were educated at St Andrew's. I have a particular responsibility for staffing appointments and I have a good knowledge of how the school educates and develops our children for the future. I regularly meet with the Head Teacher and have a good relationship with other members of staff. As well as governor meetings, I am regularly around school, I help with trips and special days which aids me to be supportive and effective. My prayer is that all children leave St Andrew's having experienced our Christian values; Love, Trust, Forgiveness, Courage, Thankfulness and Respect, and as that they move on and "Push out into the Deep" they know that Jesus is in the boat with them. It is an honour and a privilege to be a governor at St Andrew's School representing the Parish Church.
I have been involved with St Andrew’s School since my children attended. That is around 40 years and I have helped in the classroom in different ways most of that time. I do voluntary work at John Eastwood Hospice and at the Vine Tree charity shop, where I am a trustee. I have a strong Christian faith and am an active member of St Andrew’s Church.
I began as a Parent Governor at St Andrew’s School in summer 2015. I’m Skegby born and bred – with myself and my husband both attending St Andrew’s as children. I have been a teacher at a local school for 16 years and was a staff governor for 6 years. I worked predominantly in Year 6, until I returned to work part time after having my first daughter. I have two daughters -Kitty and Eliza - and a son, Henry, all of whom attend St Andrew's.
After moving to Skegby in 2014 and starting a family with my wife Kate, I began as a Co-Opted Governor in November 2019. I work in data as a Head of Business Intelligence for a wealth management company; I am currently the Vice Chair and help out on the Finance Committee. I am very proud to have 3 children at the school; Emilia, Edward and Iris, and I am the Akela at 3rd Tibshelf Cub Pack.