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Summer Term Updates

What a fabulous half term it has been in the Gruffalos and Ladybirds. Our project has been Big Wide World and we have learnt so much about where we live and the wider world. We have been fascinated by maps and atlases, finding where we live in the world and comparing our own country to other countries in the world. We could not believe how small England was compared to other countries in the world. We learnt about continents and oceans and learnt that a lot of the world is covered by water. We enjoyed sharing the story Water and created some wonderful artwork, learning to use water colours and colour mixing to create some fabulous artwork for display. Google earth was incredible and we spent lots of time using it to search for places of interest and famous buildings in the world. We looked at St. Andrew’s school and found the Gruffalo classroom! We then zoomed off to take a closer look at the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney Opera House and more. In the construction area we have made some very detailed representations of these buildings. In the small world area the children have enjoyed learning about the different habitats around the world and the animals that live in them. We have been under the sea, down in the woods and in the undergrowth of the dense jungle.

In maths we have been working so hard building our knowledge of numbers beyond 10. As well as addition and subtraction, doubling and halving, sharing and grouping, and 2D shape.

In Literacy we have been getting ready for moving to year and have been working hard to become independent writers! We have been writing lots of sentences using our growing phonics knowledge to help us spell words, as well as remembering to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.
