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Spring Term Updates

The start of 2024 saw a new and exciting project as well as welcoming new starters to our Nursery. We welcomed 17 new starters to our Nursery and they have spent their first  5 weeks settling in, getting to know new routines and new friends and enjoying our new project Dangerous Dinosaurs. We began our project by having a Dinosaur Explorer Day where we travelled back in time to when the dinosaurs were alive, and found dinosaur eggs. We then became palaeontologists and looked for evidence of dinosaurs from long ago. We used different tools to find dinosaur bones, skeletons and skulls. We continued learning about dinosaurs; what they looked like and identifying features such as 3 horns or plates on the back. We learnt some new names of dinosaurs and whether they were carnivores who ate meat or herbivores who ate plants and trees. We thought about what features the dinosaurs would have in order to be a carnivore or herbivore. In preparation for an experiment, we made and painted our own volcano. We looked at different volcano photos and decided on the best colours to use, colour mixing to create the orange. Once made, we enjoyed watching the volcano erupt by using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. We thought about how we use vinegar on our food too...but not coloured red, of course! We enjoyed our Careers Day where we dressed up as something we wanted to be when we grew up. There were nurses, doctors, vets, builders, police officers, paramedics and even princesses! We have had such a fabulous half term of learning and experiencing new things and look forward to new and exciting things next half term.

w/e 12/01/24

To start our new term, we have a new project, Dangerous Dinosaurs, and new children this week. We have spent the week settling in or settling back into the Nursery routine, re-kindling friendships and finding new friends. The children have enjoyed getting to know each other and experiencing all the things Nursery has to offer.

Next week, we are really getting into our Dangerous Dinosaurs project with our Dinosaur Explorer Day on Thursday which we are already looking forward to.
