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Summer Term Updates

Summer 1 '24

LKS2 have enjoyed lots of exciting projects this half term! In English, we have absolutely loved writing the TRUE story of The 3 Little Pigs. We developed lots of writing skills as we told the story from the wolf's point of view and showed how it was all just a terrible misunderstanding! We then used these skills to write our own version of the TRUE story of Little Red Riding Hood. It was amazing to see so many different ideas that explained how Little Red Riding Hood was the real villain of the story and the wolf was completely innocent! The children who didn't go to Thornbridge then continued this work with a really creative fairy tale project, which involved writing wanted posters, writing descriptions of a witch's cabin, building fairy tale scenes out of Lego and creating their own fairy tale scenes using wonderful art skills. Our Science project was all about states of matter this half term and we did some work on the properties of solids, liquids and gases and then created some amazing water cycle plates. In Geography we have been focusing on maps this half term and we looked at using atlases to locate world countries before focusing on European countries and capital cities. LKS2 have also loved the start of our new History project all about Ancient Egypt. So far we have spent lots of time exploring artefacts to try and find out what they can tell us about what life was like during this time. We even explored an Egyptian 'tomb' and used a torch to explore and draw some of the artefacts that we found! Also this half term we have used spreadsheets in Computing to budget for a party, investigating Pentecost in RE (which included a very informative question and answer session with Reverend Peter), producing some fantastic figure drawings in Art, developing our athletics skills in PE and exploring differences in PSHE. What a busy but productive half term!
