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Spring Term Updates

Spring Two

This half term, KS1 have been very busy! In D&T we have enjoyed researching different types of dips and dippers, tasting different ingredients, learning how to chop and grate different ingredients and then designing, making and evaluating our own dip. We have learnt how to play glockenspiels in music and the importance of listening to each other when making music. We have learnt about the Easter story in RE, thinking about how it is a time of both sorrow and of celebration for Christians. In Geography, we have continued to build on our learning from last half term on landmarks and human and physical features. We used our knowledge to compare Nottingham to London and thought about why they might be similar and different. We also returned to our work on seasons and thought about the type of weather each season might be expected to have. Finally, our Science lessons have been all about working scientifically. We loved conducting our own experiments - one involving gravity and the other about the suitability of materials. We made predictions, conducted fair tests and then recorded our results and observations. We culminated our Science work with a fabulous trip to Magna in Sheffield where we had an amazing day learning about Earth, Fire, Water and Air in a hands on, practical and experimental way. KS1 have worked so hard this half term and we are looking forward to starting our new learning in Summer Term.

Spring One

KS1 have settled back in to our learning so well after the Christmas break.


We have loved our work in English where we wrote a class thank you letter to our well-being bear, Wilbur. Unfortunately, the letter flew out of the window and was blown all around school so we wrote about our adventures searching for his lost letter!


In RE we have been deepening our thinking about the creation story in. We depicted the story through art and thought carefully about the wonders of creation and how it can calm us.


In Science, we have been exploring the four seasons and how the weather changes through the seasons in the UK. We became weather forecasters for the afternoon and had fun working together and learning about weather and weather symbols. We have also thought about seasons in PE where we listened to parts of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons and created our own dance moves to reflect the different seasons.


In Geography, we have been comparing the two cities of Nottingham and London – learning about key landmarks of each and finding physical and human features.


Finally, landscapes have been our focus in Art this half term. We first explored landscapes by comparing the artists Monet and Hockney and their use of colour to represent seasons. We then mixed our own colours for each season before exploring oil pastels and using them to create our own landscape pictures.


We have had an exciting half term and are looking forward to continuing our learning next half term!
