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As a school, we take mental health and well-being very seriously.
We are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of all our pupils, families and staff.


We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play.


All children are unique and require a variety of support at different times to help them recognise, process and work through their emotions.  Well-being is a central focus and foundation for our school day. As part of our Well-Being provision we have a number of things in place within school such as:

- Well-Being time each morning 

- Well-Being Champions in each class

- Wilber our Well-Being Mascot 

- Mindfulness Apps installed on all iPads

- Mindful Minutes

- Daily Walk and Talk

- Time to talk boxes in each classroom


BlueIce – helps young people manage their emotions and reduces the urge to self-harm. Includes a mood diary, toolbox of evidence-based techniques to reduce distress and automatic routing to emergency numbers if the urge continues.


Calm Harm – reduce urges to self-harm and manage emotions in a more positive way. Private and password protected.


Catch It  – learn how to manage feelings like anxiety and depression. Catch It helps you to look at problems in a different way, turn negative thoughts into positive ones and improve your mental health.


Chill Panda – uses breathing techniques to help you relax more, worry less and feel better.


Cove - create music to reflect emotions like joy, sadness and anger to help you express how you feel.


distrACT – quick, discreet access to information and advice about self-harm


Feeling Good: positive mindset – uses audio tracks to help relax your body and mind and build confidence. (Free but with in app purchases)


MeeTwo – a safe, secure forum for teenagers wanting to discuss any issue affecting their lives.


Thrive – helps you prevent and manage stress, anxiety and related conditions. The game based app can be used before a stressful situation or on a more regular basis.


St Andrew's can take no responsibility for the use of these apps/services.

Samaritans – 116 123 or email


The Mix –  free and confidential support for young people under 25 via online, social media and mobile


Mind – 0300 123 3393 or text 86463


Childline 0800 1111


Papyrus 0800 068 4141 (Mon – Fri 10am – 10pm, weekends 2pm – 10pm) Text 07786-209697 Email for people under 35
