Home Page

Our Church

We love being a part of St Andrew’s Church in Skegby.  We support each other and the community in fund raising events and local projects whenever possible and we work closely with Reverend Peter and our Foundation Governors.  Worshipping in Church is a regular highlight of our Collective Worship – especially at the seasons (Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Easter and Leavers).  Reverend Peter comes in weekly to lead our Collective Worship and he and the Foundation Governors are frequently involved in lessons, staff INSET days and trips out.  We greatly value the pastoral and prayer support of our church family. 

St Andrew's Church, Skegby

Services every Sunday, please come along and join us.

Everyone is welcome!


The Little Fishes Group for Pre-Schoolers and their Parents and Carers

meets every Monday 1.30-3pm in the Church.

Please contact Pam Clarke on 01623 479556


'Messy Church' runs on every second Monday of the month from 4pm-6pm in the Parish Hall

Please contact the Church Office on 01623 558800



