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Summer Term Updates

Our project this half term was Creep, Wriggle and Crawl and Tiddlers have had the best time learning about this project and experiencing all our minibeast activities.

We have learnt that there are many different minibeasts that live or visit our garden and we enjoyed finding them and exploring where their habitats are. Tiddlers enjoyed learning about the difference between the minibeasts, from spiders to woodlouse to worms and bees. We talked about the difference between an insect and those that were not insects and talked about the features of the different minibeasts and how they are similar and different. We discovered that many minibeasts have antennae to help them feel their way around. We thought about where minibeasts like to live and worked together to create a bug house that the various kinds of minibeast may like to visit.

We used our gross motor skills to try to find our way through a very large spider’s web and created our own smaller spider’s web using sticks and wool. Tiddlers really enjoyed finding snails and we talked about what they like to eat, how they move on one foot and how they create slime and how the snails leave a shiny trail. We made our own food for the snails as we investigated them. We then experimented with our own slime and some jelly slugs to see which of our slime would help the jelly slugs move smoothly down the slide. We discovered that the soap flakes and water were the best.

Our learning has not just been about minibeasts as we have also been learning how to write some of our Read Write Inc letters in readiness for moving into F2. We have really enjoyed bouncing or stretching the letters and learning the rhymes to help us write them. We have also been working on our number recognition, counting and even learning our doubles, which we have become really good at! We have also learnt about different 2D shapes and their features and found different ways to measure things.


What an exciting time we have had and we’re so looking forward to our final project On the Beach next half term.





