St Andrew’s Primary School believes that all children have the right to a curriculum that is creative, captivating and challenging, underpinned by the school’s Christian Values of Respect, Forgiveness, Trust, Thankfulness, Courage and Love. Our curriculum statement (available at details how we believe our curriculum gives our children the opportunity to appreciate cultural influences and respect the opinions and behaviour of others. We understand that many of these themes are supported throughout delivery of the Modern Foreign Languages curriculum.
Our aims are reflected by our curriculum statement and we believe that a strong and robust Modern Foreign Languages curriculum enables us to provide:
Our MFL curriculum allows us to teach fascinating, engaging lessons which help our pupils to develop and retain a knowledge rich approach to the National Curriculum’s main characteristics of speaking, reading and writing. Our curriculum allows for the progression of knowledge and skills, while supporting less confident French speaking staff to deliver outstanding French lessons. Staff are encouraged to supplement and develop the lessons they teach by using additional resources in order to meet the needs of all of our pupils.